Friday, December 4, 2009

Monggo di apresiasi...ayo diskusi...


Based on Harry Levin states about literary work that “The relation between literary works and social fact is reciprocal, Literary is not only the effect of social cause, it is also the cause of social it self.” In accordance to the statement above, we can see that there is a close relation between literary work and social fact, that fact lead to the notion that nowadays almost there is originality of literary work, Sapardi Djoko Damono states in his book entitled Pegangan Penelitian Sastra Bandingan that “Sastrawan mempunyai kecenderungan untuk meminjam, langsung atau tak langsung”, Sapardi also writes that the great artist like Shakespeare according to the experts is not original but it is influenced by the history, chronicle text and even verbal tradition, as it is quoted by Sapardi from Clements (1978: 129) that “Puisi epic berkembang sedikit demi sedikit dari tingkat folklore lisan kearah puisi tertulis”. It can be concluded that the main source of literary works is verbal tradition. Let we discuss about this further by knowing more about it causes that is adaptation, imitation and influence. Another kind of imitation that leads to the creative treason is called plagiarism.
Adaptation is the process of imitation based on literal translation from works written in different tongue. As Sapardi cites in his book that the adaption is used to reveal and solve the social problem accordance to the zeitgeist. The story of Marah Rusli entitled Salah Asuhan is considered as the adaption of Malin Kundang, but it is adapted by the zeitgeist of the story made. The development of modern literature shows that the interrelationship among literary works is common thing.
Influence is the most prominent reason to develop comparative literature. In this case, influence must be understood widely not only imitation processes which create new literary work based on the previous literature. The concept of influence is the relation which force the incidence to causality goes to intermediate correlation. In the process of influence there is emitter and receiver. Transmitter play big role to the achievement process of emitter to receiver. Transmitter is a medium to send message from emitter to receiver; those are translator, reviewer, critics, scholar, travelers, or vehicles like book and journals. In the factors of influences there is giving (active) and receiving (passive), and there is leader and follower and next is called as imitation, as it is written in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory by Ulrich Weinstein that “Influence define as unconscious imitation and imitation as directed influences”. Imitation is the process to imitate something based on our way, like the relation between the teacher and the student. On the contrary, influence is the process of revealing something in single, concrete manner, and it must be sought in many different manifestations (Shaw.CLS.Adv.issue, p.144). The conclusion is “The Influence cannot be quantitatively measured”, moreover adaptation, imitation and influence play role to find the originality of literary works.
The latter and unacceptable is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the kind of imitation considered as the “creative treason” because it is the imitation on the sly or quotation without reference to the sources. There is treason to the creative process to the author who create the literary works imitated, and the creative process or the creative imitation of the plagiarist is doubtful.

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