Friday, December 4, 2009


Buat temen2 yg luang waktunya n mw baca niy teks, tolong masukan ma kritiknya yah.....?


1.Comment on this statement: The better our knowledge of literary genetics, the more surely can we distinguish between the individual, the original, the innovative on the one hand, and the commonplace and conventional on the other.

To the best of my understanding, literary genetics is the sources study of literary works (scholarly) aimed to establish the nature of ingredient that unite into a complete work of literary art. This source study refers to find the originality of literary art (literary history) by identifying the literary genetics of the literary works to find the sources and the descent of literary art. The sources may come from numerous and varied as the writer’ experience of life individually, and the direct source or borrowing source which is obtained from the relationship between literary works and the innovation of the authors obtained innovatively, while the indefinite source known as the parallel and analogue that refers to the internal and external factors supporting the creative process of literary works, it is related with the commonplace and conventional belongs to the literary era. All of those directions guide us to finding the origin of literary work which helps us to identify the literary works based on the authors, the works itself or the belonging of the era.

The key words: Scholarly, Literary History, Identification, Originality finding

2.Discuss the following statement: Two fundamental truths shape and qualify the role of storage-and-retrieval systems-familiarly called computers-in literary research: (1). The material to be stored and classified must be of a homogeneous nature, adaptable to mechanical handling (in other words, not mass of discrete data), (2) The computer can handle data only in ways for which it is specifically and precisely programmed, and no human labor. The cost of a programmer’ expertise and of time on the computer substantial, it, too, may be an important limitation on the size a particular project may assume.

As the state of Dr. Johnson in the book entitled The Art of Literary Research that “Knowledge is two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. When we enquire into any subject, the first thing we have to do is know what books have treated of it.” The statement above, surely refers to the second kind of knowledge is about the art of finding materials.
The most prominent thing is finding the relevant materials by collecting not just one but several of suggestion materials. In relation with the statement above, there two fundamental truth of qualifying the materials, there are:
a.The data must be stored and classified in the same sort to avoid the complicated handling.
b.The data must be programmed specifically and precisely, and it also must be programmed by human being (not the system, no matter how sophisticated it is).
It can be concluded that the art of finding material is the most prominent thing in literary research. And the art of the finding material is started by finding the relevant materials and classify them in the same sort the program it specifically and precisely by our instinct as human being, because literary works is reflection of our life so it is possible to discuss it mechanically.

The key words: Finding Materials, Relevant materials, Homogeneous Classification, specifically and precisely programming, human being’ sense

Source: The Art of Literary Research by Richard B. Altick

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